123, landmark address


Arrival: 30th July, 1948
Departure: 27th April, 2021

Parents: Nathaniel and Felicia Kwatotyo


  • Helen and Levi Nkahiirwa
  • Allan Abainenamar Begira
  • Ivan and Abba Jennifer Akesiga
  • Doreen and Charles Maina
  • Donna Asiimwe
  • Joshua Karuhanga

Education Background

  • Ndekye Church School
  • Mushanga Primary School
  • Mbarara High School (for Junior High)
  • Ntare School
  • Makerere University, Kampala – Bsc Statistics
  • Birmingham University – Msc Economics

Career Background

  • Lecturer of Public Management at Institute of Public Administration (now UMI) – 1975 – 1986
  • Personnel Manager BAT Uganda – 1989 -1991
  • Marketing Manager – Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) – 1991 – 1992
  • General Manager – Union Export Services (UNEX) – 1992 – 2011
  • 2011 to date – Director YKA Enterprises



  1. REPLY
    Emily Ahumuza says

    Ohhh uncle u have left such a big hole in our hearts 😢 you will forever be remembered for your humility, generosity and kindness. I used to meet u most of the time at all saints church every mid week service. I know that you have been received in heaven . May you rest well. Till we meet again

  2. REPLY
    Asumpter Warees says

    Rest In Peace Mr. Abainenama His smile definitely reflected on earth. Very caring to all. I loved the way he opened his home for all. I have been blessed to know him. We thanks God for him. Thanks you Mr. Abainenamar for all you have done . Job well done. We will miss you .

  3. REPLY
    Victoria Acen says

    M condolences to the family. May God be your strength and comfort during this time. May the soul of Yorukamu rest in eternal peace. Amen

  4. REPLY
    ARIHO ALVIN says

    The news is too heavy to take in!
    Grandfather you will be missed by your dear grandson but we know you are in heaven with the angels.
    We love you grandpa!
    Till we meet again in heaven
    May your soul rest in peace shwenkuru

  5. REPLY
    Byamukama Godfrey Yusufu says

    You have touched so many lives, you have feed and housed many, you have educated uncountable, we shall surely miss you, Uncle, RIP

  6. REPLY
    Nakituhwera Dianah says

    The family of Haven And Diana (naki) Nahabwe stand with you our grandma Teddy and your children in this difficult hours for the loss of beloved husband, daddy, uncle, brother, grandpa, prayer partner, a warrior, friend,. Counselor and advicer. We thank the Lord for the love he showered is with, the welcoming smiles he blessed us with at his doorstep. We pray God keep you all strong, firm, united , and rooted in the Word grandpa believed and walked in even in his last days of life. Rest in peace our beloved one.
    With love from Kanungu.

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      Rose Uwamwezi says

      To be absent in the body is to be present with Lord. 2 Cor 5:8
      Yorokamu is present with the Lord in a new glorified body.
      ….. The Lord Jesus Christ, Who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body… Phil 3:20-21
      Yorokamu changed his address to eternal home, which Jesus prepared for all those who love Him. Let not your hearts be troubled….
      “In my father’s house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you…..where I am, there you may be also. John 14:1-3
      For this corruptable must put on incorruptible, and this mortal must put on immortality….then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:
      “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
      ” O Death , where is your sting?
      O Hades, where is your victory?”
      1 Cor 15:53-55
      But I do not want you to be ignorant, brothren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope…..
      1 Thes 4:13-14
      To my sister Teddy, children , grandchildren and the entire family and friends, be encouraged, Yorokamu’s life did not end, he has started a new and a better life with Jesus in person. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. May the peace of God rule ours hearts and guard our minds through Jesus Christ. Yorocomu, thank you for walking in the ordered steps of the Lord, while on this earth. Yorokamu ran the race and he finished strong, way to go. He fed and opened his home to many. Thank you for your kinds and humility. May your soul rest in eternal peace🙏

  7. REPLY
    Mr & Mrs.Polly K.and Night Ndyarugahi and family. says

    It is indeed sad on the loss of my colleague and friend since his school days at Ntare in mid 1960s through Makerere days and all the way as an active member of Kampala Club Ltd. Our children grew up together and some studied together. It’s a big loss. Our deepest condolences to the grieved family to this irreparable loss. We are with you in spirit. We pray to the Almighty Lord to rest his departed soul in everlasting peace.

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    Basemera Doreen Marjorie says

    I will never forget your generosity when I was at the university. Every semester you would call be and ask. My daughter when will you come by to my office. Thank you for the support and love that you have always showed us. Rest with the angels. You will surely be missed Grand PA

  9. REPLY
    Ritah Asiimire says

    Rest in eternal peace Grandpa.
    How you loved us , encouraged and always shared your wisdom with us. You will be missed.

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