123, landmark address


Born May 21, 1982 to Mrs. Acio Florence Okurut Mr. Mr. V. A Okurut of Kapir Omito-Agule Ngora District. Teddy was the fifth child in a family of six siblings. She commenced her primary education at Shimoni Demonstration School and attended Stella Maris College for her O-level, 1998-2001. She later joined Vienna College where she completed her A-level, 2002 – 2004. She went to Kyambogo University from 2006 – 2009 where she graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Adult and Community Education.

After her graduation, she joined post bank as an Accounts Opening Office but because of her integrity she quickly rose to a Teller, then a supervisor, and most recently the Assistant Manager, Post Bank, Masindi branch, a position she held at the time of her death.

Teddy, as she was fondly known, was a sister, aunty and a friend. She was loved by all especially the nieces and nephews who anxious awaited her visits from her upcountry stations. She always had a smile on her face even in the most difficult of moments and she always held Jesus close to her heart. She was always ready with her camera to capture our most precious moments in life. We will forever treasure all the beautiful memories of her life’s journey. We are comforted in the fact that she is in Heaven, now at peace for eternity.

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