123, landmark address


Date of Birth: 1979

Date of Death: 29/06/2021

Parents: Mr and Mrs Semewo Lutaakome

Wife: Stella Bugembe


  • Lutaakome John Mary Vianney
  • Mukwaya Jose Marie Escriva
  • Bugembe Joseph Mary

Education Background

  • Makerere University
  • Law Development Centre

Career Background

Advocate @ Lutaakome and Company Advocates

Burial will take place at their home in Kalungu on Wednesday 30th June, 2021 at 02:00pm.

Informed are: Relatives, Friends and In-Laws.

96 Condolences for PATRICK BUGEMBE


  1. REPLY
    Moses Matovu says

    It’s a pity. Rest well Patrick.

  2. REPLY
    jandev says
  3. REPLY
    madfrie says
  4. REPLY
    nickxavi says
  5. REPLY
    salycarr says
  6. REPLY
    bernpat says
  7. REPLY
    cultblac says
  8. REPLY
    jankare says
  9. REPLY
    jeniwyne says
  10. REPLY
    balielee says
  11. REPLY
    thirdea says
  12. REPLY
    perbar says
  13. REPLY
    findean says
  14. REPLY
    odiger says
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    panrash says
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    walluch says
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    farman says
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    faxzac says
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    yansai says
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    yakrelen says
  21. REPLY
    benepall says
  22. REPLY
    pinphy says
  23. REPLY
    jenncaar says
  24. REPLY
    falzir says
  25. REPLY
    faybil says
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    blayvali says
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    odeahar says
  28. REPLY
    daylor says
  29. REPLY
    bertdura says
  30. REPLY
    amaaldo says
  31. REPLY
    nickadl says
  32. REPLY
    xilelaqu says
  33. REPLY
    amedeb says
  34. REPLY
    hiddhei says
  35. REPLY
    berncrys says
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    nelwzeli says
  37. REPLY
    gabala says
  38. REPLY
    wahiocta says
  39. REPLY
    sansjaic says
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    mareodh says
  41. REPLY
    joevau says
  42. REPLY
    portconc says
  43. REPLY
    walkai says
  44. REPLY
    tanigary says
  45. REPLY
    fadivero says
  46. REPLY
    yazmranw says
  47. REPLY
    caralph says
  48. REPLY
    finbudol says
  49. REPLY
    dalyrail says
  50. REPLY
    reneigna says
  51. REPLY
    fynysyb says
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    bilcar says
  53. REPLY
    delbkahl says
  54. REPLY
    helhels says
  55. REPLY
    urancat says
  56. REPLY
    wavvas says
  57. REPLY
    phitare says
  58. REPLY
    crisidal says
  59. REPLY
    jymmcom says
  60. REPLY
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